So Tuesday night my mom and I spontaneously decided to drive up North to the Muskoka lakes. Being spontaneous as we were, it surprisingly ended up being a great adventure. The beginning wasn't so great. We ended up sleeping in the car with my son and dog. It was quite entertaining to say the least. I couldn't sleep, I kept waking up to my mom opening and shutting both the car door and window, over and over and over again! There we're misquitos in the car and not a whole lot of room to stretch out. And on top of that, I woke up to rain and having to goto the bathroom and not just pee... Yeah! The rest of the day turned out good, it stopped raining and we went to the farmer's market and a few antique/gift shops. Ate yummy food and listened to some old music in the car. Walked along a few nature/historic sites.. overall it was a pretty awesome time. I have to say spending the day with my mom helped me realize something about me.I believe when being with someone lets you see things about who you are a little better, then that someone is a little more special in some way.I feel like I've come to know a new tiny thing about me and how I approach life, which was probably just on a subconscious level before.I don't want people to be mesmerized by me.That is not what I seek.…
A few hard, "would you rather" questions answered in my opinion..
Would you rather love and not be loved back or be loved but never love?
Well since having gone through both sitsuations I can honestly choose which one I would rather. I would rather be loved but never love back. Simply because loving someone and them not having the same feeling towards you is just unbareable! It's heartbreaking, painful, embarrasing and just down right ugly. But being loved and not having the same feelings towards that someone is easy, well not easy, but easier. You feel bad but at least your not the one to have your heart broken, which in my opinion is one of the hardest emotional states you could possibly go through in life.
Would you rather lick peanut butter off a homeless person's foot or go to jail for 3 years?
This one makes me laugh. Well ultimately I wouldn't want to do either of them. But since it's a "would you rather" question, I have to choose at least one. I've never been to jail, nor would I ever want to, especially for 3 years. I've seen many homeless people in my life, and some aren't as dirty as others. So I would have to go with the first choice. And most likely puke afterwards.
Would you rather save my life or your's?
Wow. Well I would hope never to be in this sitsuation in my life. But it all depends on the person I would be saving instead of my own. If it's a family member or my children or a really good best friend.. I would have to choose saving their life instead of my own. If it's a random stranger I just met, I would rather save my own. Reason's for my first choice is that well their my family that's pretty self explanatory and second, I don't know this person, I don't know what they did in their life. Unless it was a child, then I would obviously put my life in danger for theirs. So ultimately, I would rather save their life, instead of my own.
Would you save 5 of your loved ones, or save 100,000 strangers in another country?
Again, I hope never to be in a sitsuation life this in my life. 100,000 lives is alot, alot of pain and heartbreak that goes along with it in others lives as well. However, I would rather save 5 of my loved ones. There's alot of people in this world but the ones that are closest to you are unreplaceable.
Would you rather die by the side of the person you love or live by the side of a person you can't stand?
I would most deffiantely rather die by the side of the person I love, than to live by the side of a person I can't stand. Why? Well living with someone I can't stand would probably make me want to die anyway. And then I would be dieing alone, and no one wants to die alone. So of course I would rather die with someone, and if it happens to be that person I love, then totally.
Would you rather die of cancer or being eaten alive by a shark?
Oh boy, I am down right terrified of sharks! But after seeing my Grandmother die of cancer.. I don't think I would want to go that way either. However, my grandmother died beside the people that loved and cared for her the most. She knew she was dieing and she made the most out of her life those past 5 months. Her ashes were taken away from the tide and laid to rest at the bottom of the ocean. I think I would rather go knowing than not knowing. I mean if your attacked by a shark you pretty much know your going to die any minute but to know your going to die of cancer.. At least you'll have a few months to live your life than a few seconds and not be able do anything. Especially seeing all your loved ones, and telling them what you want to say before you pass on.
Would you rather save your mother or partner/spouse from a house fire?
Another tough one. Man these are hard. I would choose neither. I would rather die with them both than to live with one, because living without one, would be hard.
Would you rather have an abortion or give your child up for adoption?
I've been through this sitsuation before and I choose having my child, and keeping my child. But since that's neither of the options I can't choose that. After having a kid and seeing other parents, I couldn't imagine someone else raising my child, nor could I abort it either. Until I'm in that sitsuation I cannot say to be honest. I guess it all depends on the reasons before of why I am needing an abortion or adoption to begin with.
Would you rather fly when you fart, or pee when you laugh?
Hahahaha. Well I wouldn't want to pee when I laugh because I laugh alot. However, I've always wanted to fly, and I rarely fart. So of course I would rather fly when I fart. Haha.
Would you rather have a unibrow, or buck teeth?
I would rather have a unibrow, than buck teeth. Easier to fix!
Would you rather be loved and know love, but have it taken away from you in your life, or go through existence never witnessing love?
My god that's a hard question. Ridiculously, probably the hardest "Would You Rather" questions I've read. If we are talking about family love, then that's like asking would you rather have a sibling and have it be taken away from you, or not have a sibling at all? Which is a very, very, very almost impossible question! I absolutely love having a sister, but having her taken away would probably not be very pleasant in the least bit. So I guess not having a sister at all. So ultimately, the second choice. If we are talking about a significant other love, I think the second choice as well. I believe it's rather rare to find love first of all, but then again I don't think I would want to go through existence never witnessing love either. That doesn't make sense, but. I really don't think I answered the question, but I want(ed) to.
Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with wet dogs or with three fat men with bad breath?
I can't stand bad breath, and if im trapped in a elevator I will most likely be talking to someone. Therefore, I would rather be with wet dogs. (After all, I do love dogs).
Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with wet dogs or with three fat men with bad breath?
I can't stand bad breath, and if im trapped in a elevator I will most likely be talking to someone. Therefore, I would rather be with wet dogs. (After all, I do love dogs).