To much stuff due AGAIN! Just when I thought I had everything under control I got slammed with more assignments due in less than a week. I only wish to have 1 day just 1 day! To have to myself ALONE to catch up on things I want and need to do. For instance, shaving my legs, seeing friends, getting some exercise, READ my book that I bought several months ago but haven't even got to read a page yet, S L E E P, and have some free uninturrupted time to work on assignments. I just don't have enought time during the day to get everything done. I goto school from 8-5 everyday, pick my son up after, cook dinner, feed him, change him, clean up, (don't ask how I am able to write this) somehow I managed to get in some blog time today, WOOT. But honestly my day never ends until about 11pm. Then it's off to bed and before I know it I am waking up at 5am to make sure Carsten gets to the babysitters by 7. I would really like to have someone be in my shoes for the day, or better yet the whole month.
I found out today that I didn't do so hot as I thought I did on my PR Exam. 66%... not so good at all. Exactly I was surprised I did so poorly considering I studied quite a bit. The teacher I find marks harder as well. I have no PR experience, nor did I even know what a PR did or was, I still don't. It's all good though, I don't plan on going into that type of field at all so I am not to worried. I find it to be a very boring class, it's all common sense stuff basically but the assignments are always hard. I do like the teacher though so I guess thats a plus.